Day Dreams 2
Day Dreams 2

acrylic (5x7)

Color Dance 1
Color Dance 1

oil & pastel (5x7)

Joy of Wandering
Joy of Wandering

oil (5x7)

Field of Flowers
Field of Flowers

oil (5x7) sold

Golden Fields of Summer
Golden Fields of Summer

oil & cold wax (9x9)

Tribute to the Abenaki
Tribute to the Abenaki

oil & cold wax (9x9)

Journeys I
Journeys I

pastel (5x7)

Journeys II
Journeys II

pastel (5x7)

Sunlight on the River
Sunlight on the River

pastel (5x7)

Hopes for Tomorrow
Hopes for Tomorrow

pastel (5x7)

Dancing Daffodils
Dancing Daffodils

pastel (5x7)

Golden Hour
Golden Hour

pastel (5x7)

Living in the Light
Living in the Light

acrylic (5x7)

Song of Summer
Song of Summer

pastel (5x7)

Parade of Clouds 2
Parade of Clouds 2

oil (5x7)

Parade of Clouds 1
Parade of Clouds 1

pastel (5x7)

First Light
First Light

pastel (5x7)

Blue Heron & Chick
Blue Heron & Chick

oil (5x7)

A Moment in Time
A Moment in Time

acrylic (5x7)

Day Dreams 2
Color Dance 1
Joy of Wandering
Field of Flowers
Golden Fields of Summer
Tribute to the Abenaki
Journeys I
Journeys II
Sunlight on the River
Hopes for Tomorrow
Dancing Daffodils
Golden Hour
Living in the Light
Song of Summer
Parade of Clouds 2
Parade of Clouds 1
First Light
Blue Heron & Chick
A Moment in Time
Day Dreams 2

acrylic (5x7)

Color Dance 1

oil & pastel (5x7)

Joy of Wandering

oil (5x7)

Field of Flowers

oil (5x7) sold

Golden Fields of Summer

oil & cold wax (9x9)

Tribute to the Abenaki

oil & cold wax (9x9)

Journeys I

pastel (5x7)

Journeys II

pastel (5x7)

Sunlight on the River

pastel (5x7)

Hopes for Tomorrow

pastel (5x7)

Dancing Daffodils

pastel (5x7)

Golden Hour

pastel (5x7)

Living in the Light

acrylic (5x7)

Song of Summer

pastel (5x7)

Parade of Clouds 2

oil (5x7)

Parade of Clouds 1

pastel (5x7)

First Light

pastel (5x7)

Blue Heron & Chick

oil (5x7)

A Moment in Time

acrylic (5x7)

show thumbnails